Overseas Help loans available
Published on 01 June, 2005
CQU has received funding for approximately 80 OS-HELP loans of up to $5000 each.
OS-HELP is a Commonwealth Government loan scheme that provides assistance to eligible undergraduate students wishing to undertake some of their study overseas. It can be used to cover expenses associated with airfares, accommodation, and other travel or study expenses.
The main criteria for OS-HELP are that the student must be:.
an Australian citizen or the holder of a permanent humanitarian visa;.
a Commonwealth supported student enrolled in an undergraduate program of study at an Australian public higher education provider; and;.
selected by their Australian higher education provider to receive an OS-HELP loan.
OS-HELP is not available to students undertaking their whole course outside Australia or to students engaged in their first or last year (equivalent full-time) of their program of study.
CQU will hold two application rounds each year. The cut off dates for these rounds are March 31 and August 31 each year. Full information on OS-HELP and application forms are available from Student Administration by contacting student_finance@cqu.edu.au or phoning 07 4930 9350.
The CQU OS-HELP policy is available at the CQU Policies website.
Further information can also be obtained at: www.goingtouni.gov.au