Mighty Foods characters return to stage in crusade to encourage healthy eating
Published on 12 April, 2011
The characters from Mighty Foods the Musical will return to the stage in Mackay next month in a second crusade towards encouraging healthy eating habits in children...
Mighty Foods Saves the Circus, which is a new production created by CQUniversity's Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music in Mackay, follows on from the sold-out performances of Mighty Foods The Musical, which debuted last year to 2500 children in Mackay.
The sequel will be performed to audiences in the region from May 23 to 27, and will be available to high schools throughout Australia for their own production afterwards.
The 30-minute production, which targets children aged four to six, delivers key messages about healthy eating through songs and dances about the mighty foods.
"Last year we focussed on grainy bread, broccoli and apples, this year we are pushing strawberries, eggs and green beans," writer, composer and producer of the production, Kim Kirkman said.
Performer John Gardiner gets up close to his audience during last year's production
"There is also a secondary message this year about exercise being good for our bodies.
"We experienced huge success from last year's debut performance so we're excited to continue on in teaching young children about healthy eating."
Mr Kirkman said that after the Mackay performances, high school students around Australia would be given the opportunity to present the show to younger children in their community.
More information is available from Kim Kirkman, Associate Lecturer, School of Creative and performing Arts, FABIE, CQUniversity on 07 4940 7814 or k.kirkman@cqu.edu.au .
Teachers are also invited to watch the review of Mighty Foods on You Tube (search Mighty Foods) or by visiting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyemw2ag4OQ
Schools wishing to attend the season should contact 4940 7800.