Uni well represented at Harmony Day celebrations
Published on 26 March, 2008
Rockhampton's Riverside Park came alive with the recent Capricornia Harmony Day Umbrella Festival held on Easter Saturday and many of CQU's staff and students were there to contribute to the celebrations in more ways than one.
Community Relations Officer Glenys Kirkwood, invited to be a judge for the day, was given the almost impossible job of helping to judge the most popular Decorated Umbrella competition from around 200 entries submitted under the 'Peace & Harmony' or 'Environmental' theme in categories covering Schools, Businesses, Traditional and others.
Glenys Kirkwood on right rear with winners of the Junior Ambassador awards L to r Asadel Qureshi (7-9 years), Naomi Matabashi (10-12 years), proud mother Mrs Matabashi, Doricas Matabashi and Esther Matabashi (tied 13-18 years)
Including children of some of CQU's staff and students, Junior Multicultural Ambassadors in their colourful national costumes were a crowd favourite and non-stop entertainment from a number of local groups provided continuous colour and dance and song.
A highlight of the event was the awarding of 'Harmony Hero' awards and the following CQU-linked personnel are to be congratulated for being nominated by their peers for these awards:
Associate Professor Masud Khan
Turna Mandal, daughter of Nirmal Mandal
Sohail Qureshi and son Asadel Qureshi
and Ataus Samad.
All of the nominators mentioned the fact that these people work tirelessly within their communities to bring peace and harmony as well as working within the wider community.
Full-size images are here: 1 2 3 4 5
Fijian community members joined in with pride
Multicultural Ambassador award winners Doricas, Naomi and Esther Matabashi
Pacific Islanders and Friends Association members