Financial planning students head to Gold Coast, thanks to bursary
Published on 19 November, 2010
Mackay-based Financial Planning students Scott Jamieson and Shaye Brodie have already started their careers and now they'll have the chance to mix with leaders of their industry at the national conference of the Financial Planning Association.
Their trip to the Gold Coast on November 25-26 has been supported by bursaries funded by the Mackay Financial Planning Career Development Group (MFPCDG), in partnership with CQUniversity.
This partnership aims to promote financial planning as a career choice and to provide enriched learning opportunities for CQUniversity Mackay students enrolled in the Bachelor of Financial Planning or Bachelor of Financial Planning/Bachelor of Accounting.
This initiative recognises that the CQ region faces a skills shortage in this industry. This skills shortage has been impacting on local businesses, which have been unable to find skilled personnel.
Scott is employed as a financial planner with Gardian Insurance Financial Advice and is studying the Bachelor of Financial Planning.
"This bursary will give me the opportunity to network with other planners from outside Mackay and gain ideas and knowledge on everything from strategies for clients to office procedures to make sure the office is operating at capacity," he said.
"The way the industry is heading I think it's great that this degree will eventually be a necessity if you want to work in this field. Opportunities like this bursary don't come along every day and it's important to take advantage of them when you can. You never know who you will meet at conferences like this, you may end up with a mentor that you can rely for many years to come."
Meanwhile, Shaye is employed at Power2 as a trainee accountant and financial advisor and is studying towards her Bachelor of Financial Planning/Bachelor of Accounting.
"The opportunities that have arisen from the bursary from last year have really helped my career," Shaye said.
"It shows that you have a commitment to the industry and are willing to be involved in the future of young advisors. It has also been a fantastic networking opportunity as I have been able to meet other like-minded advisors from around Australia, which has helped me understand the job opportunities available to me when I graduate.
"I have also become more involved in the local FPA Committee. For this year, it has helped me in proving myself as a worthy employee to potential employers as it shows that I have a wide range of knowledge and experience from university as well as conferences and working.
"I think the bursary is a fantastic way to get young advisors interested in the future of the financial planning industry. I had only started working in the industry last year when I was selected to go, and I found the conference very valuable in teaching me about different aspects of financial planning, not just what is taught at university. It was able to give me a wide knowledge and understanding of what is happening in the industry and how it effects my career choices."