CQ school to reap the benefits of scholarship
Published on 01 June, 2005
Just one term into her teaching degree, CQU student Lauren Nelson is taking one assignment at a time and is successfully heading towards her goal to teach at her old stomping ground in Blackwater.
Lauren’s desire to work at her former secondary school, Blackwater State High School, won her a $20,000 scholarship, the Bid O’Sullivan Scholarship, earlier this year.
Lauren was one of five Queenslanders living in rural or remote areas awarded the scholarship by the state government to pursue a career in teaching.
The scholarships are particularly for excelling students who intend to work in rural or remote areas after graduation. Following graduation, scholarship holders are guaranteed employment with the Department of Education at a rural or remote location for a period equal to the duration of their teaching studies.
Having received an OP 1 tertiary entrance score, Lauren’s career options were wide, however science teaching has remained her passion. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management/Bachelor of Science degree at CQU Rockhampton.
Lauren is one of eight females studying to become science teachers at CQU.
“I always enjoyed science, mainly chemistry, and maths throughout my school years and teaching has always appealed to me. So, a high school science teacher was a career I thought I would really enjoy,” explained Lauren.
“My scholarship will help pay for textbooks and my courses ... what is left will go towards paying to live at the Capricornia College [the residential college at CQU Rockhampton].
“There is a lot of work involved [in the degree], but I am just taking it one assignment at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed.”.