Sonography program now accredited
Published on 20 January, 2011
CQUniversity's new sonography program has just received accreditation from the Australasian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) in time for the first in-take of students in 2011.
This is the first accredited program of its kind in Australia which allows applicants the opportunity to study Sonography without having first taken another degree.
The program includes a large amount of clinical placements The program is a three year undergraduate degree in medical sonography combined with a one year postgraduate diploma in medical sonography.
The program includes a large amount of clinical placements in industry which is linked to the theory taught during each year of the program.
‘Real-life' simulation activities such as scanning phantoms and each other, as well as scanning with vets, and participation in role-play activities to learn patient communication skills are also features of the program.
CQUniversity will be recognised as providing practitioners of the highest calibre, fully competent upon graduation, with full accreditation and who meet the needs of the local and national community.
For more information on the program visit or call CQUniversity on 13CQUni .