Speed awareness radar on campus
Published on 08 August, 2003
CQU Facilities Management staff have been operating a speed awareness campaign on Rockhampton Campus, with the help of a speed gun and screen showing motorists how fast they are travelling.
Awareness program organiser Damon Wells said that statistics gleaned during the week-long program would be published and could be compared with results of future campaigns.
For the record, the speed limit on campus is 40 km/h, except at the residential college where it is 25 km/h.
Mr Wells is also organising a DrinkRight Awareness night at the Birdcage Bar, on Wednesday, October 1, in conjunction with the student association, police, the Main Roads Department and Queensland Health.
Males and females of different ages, weights and heights and will undergo progressive rounds of drinking and breathalyser tests to show how different individuals handle alcohol differently.