Connecting with art and nature
Published on 08 April, 2010
CQUniversity Noosa first year BLM students, with lecturers Sue Davis & Kathy Bauer, provided a range of creative activities for children who came to the Great Noosa Camp Out last weekend.
These activities focussed on using the environment and natural materials to create rubbings, collages, a story mat and weavings.
Stephanie Haslam and Wendy May from Noosa Integrated Catchment Association participated, escorting guests on a plant identification walk through the bushland at the House With No Steps at Doonan.
The students involved said they gained a lot from the experience, finding out about the local plants and new art activities that they can use in their classrooms.
First year education student Miatta Wighton (from Cooroy) was pleased to be able to combine family, work and entertainment by bringing along her three daughters.
Miatta went to school at Noosa District SHS and is a long time local. She is excited to now be able to get back in to study and looking forward to achieving her goal of becoming a teacher. She also loves being involved in arts festivals and community events volunteering at the Woodford Folk Festival and now at the Camp Out.