Duaringa and CQU are linked through history
Published on 19 April, 2007
With interest piqued by the 'Down Memory Lane' series of 3 books, the Duaringa Historical & Tourism Association Inc invited CQU Community Liaison Officer and editor of the books, Glenys Kirkwood, to be guest speaker at its recent annual general meeting.
The Association is about to begin recording the rich pioneering history of the Duaringa Shire and is keen to follow the format used in 'Down Memory Lane'.
Also at the meeting, Duaringa Shire Mayor Gary Howard spoke of forthcoming plans for the Shire which encompasses the towns of Duaringa, Dingo, Bluff, Blackwater and Bauhinia.
Janet Bunney, Principal of Wadja Wadja High School at Woorabinda, showed some excellent short films put together as a result of a University of Queensland project at the school. She spoke about the inspiration both staff and students receive when outside agencies come into the school offering assistance.
'Down Memory Lane' is currently being recorded on to CDs, which will be available for sale by about mid year.
The 'Down Memory Lane' books containing "I remember when" stories from local people, are available from the Community Program office in building 11 for $15 each book or $40 for the set of 3. Phone Glenys Kirkwood 49 232 734 or Reegan Bickey 49 232 722 for more details.
All proceeds from the sale of the books go into the Community Fund which provides scholarships and prizes for students.
L to R at back : Duaringa Shire Mayor Gary Howard, incoming Duaringa Historical Society President, Robyn Fletcher, CQU Community Liaison Officer Glenys Kirkwood, Wadja Wadja High School Principal Janet Bunney, Duaringa Shire CEO, Dom Carroll. Front L to R : Duaringa Deputy CEO, Carol Finger, outgoing Duaringa Historical Soc. President, Margaret Davey.
CQU volunteer Graham Kirkwood at the Duaringa Historical & Tourism Assoc building, showing the McKenzie River mural.