Plant Sciences researchers visit cotton research hub
Published on 03 January, 2007
CQU Plant Sciences researchers have visited the Australian Cotton Research Institute at Narrabri in New South Wales.
The Plant Sciences Group has been researching issues of cotton production in Central Queensland since 2001, initially in cooperation with the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (as it was then), and more recently with growers and the Queensland Department of Primary iIndustries and Fisheries.
The research focuses on improvements of irrigation efficiency, and that was the major subject for discussions at Narrabri during the December 11-12 visit by Professor David Midmore, Dr Surya Bhattarai, Lance Pendergast and Manouchehr Torabi.
CQU is one of the Cotton Catchment Communities Co-operative Research Centre’s (CRC) affiliates, and as such has some input into the programs of the CRC.
The visit was coordinated by Dr James Neilsen, a postdoctoral fellow with the CRC whose interests coincide with those of the visiting Plant Sciences Group.
Following field visits and one-on-one discussions, the Plant Sciences visitors gave short presentations on their current cotton-related research.
CQU’s integral involvement with the CRC was confirmed during the meeting between Professor Midmore and the CEO of the CRC, Dr Guy Roth.
The Cotton Catchment Communities Co-operative Research Centre (which commenced operations in September 2005) succeeded the Australian Cotton CRC established in 1999 and the Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Cotton Production, 1993-99.
Photo (above): Some of the CQU Plant Sciences researchers who visited the Australian Cotton Research Institute (from left) Manouchehr Torabi, Lance Pendergast and Surya Bhattarai.
Photo (below): Surya Bhattarai, Lance Pendergast, Manouchehr Torabi and Rose Roche (CRC postgraduate student) viewing a planting configuration trial.