Dimitri does it again
Published on 10 December, 2002
CQU Foundation Programs wound up at the four regional campuses with a morning tea and Christmas Concert for the many people who have supported the Program in Gladstone, Rockhampton and Mackay.
CQU's Dimitri Kopanakis once again thrilled the group of around 70 people in Gladstone, 50 in Rockhampton and 100 in Mackay with an hour long program of Christmas Music, culminating in a rendition of Jerusalem that we have been reliably informed, caused ‘goose bumps’ to many in the audience.
The CQU Foundation Program (formerly Golden Years Program) amongst other things, involves the participation of mostly mature aged people, who throughout the year support the University in many ways as volunteers.
Through the Foundation, and with the support of University personnel, theses people are also encouraged to learn about the work the University does in many local areas.
These concerts were an opportunity for CQU to say thankyou to its supporters and Anne Gribbin, Executive Directory of CQU Foundation said: “The University as a whole is indebted to Dimitri and the other staff members throughout the year who have taken the time and trouble to share their knowledge and talents with our Program participants. In so doing, the public perception of the University as a community asset is underlined throughout our various regional campus areas.
Above: Dimitri Kopanakis with CQU Foundation Program Co-ordinator Faye Owens and a section of the crowd at the Gladstone Campus.
Left: Dimitri entertains the crowd.