Nursing re-entry program given the thumbs up
Published on 18 January, 2007
CQU’s Competence Assessment Service has teamed up with the Uniting Church’s Blue Care organisation to attract former Bundaberg nurses back to the profession.
As part of the program the 6-week clinical placement component of the course is conducted at a Blue Care facility within the Wide Bay district.
CQU’s Competence Assessment Service program manager Jenny Anastasi said the course was the only distance-learning re-entry program that prepared nurses to quickly update their credentials.
The program consists of 3 theory modules and 1 clinical assessment that can be completed in 1 semester.
One of the many success stories has come from Bundaberg’s Jane Oldfield who left registered clinical nursing for 6 years.
Jane has recently completed the re-entry course and is now working at Bundaberg’s Blue Care Riverlea aged care facility.
Jane told Bundaberg’s News Mail this week that nursing was something she loved to do and that she found the course rewarding.
“Everyone was very supportive and I would encourage anyone considering re-entering the nursing profession to take the course.” Photo: Jenny Anastasi.