Drama students tackle issues in Rocky shows
Published on 16 June, 2008
CQU Bachelor of Performing Arts drama students recently made a welcome return to the stage to present 2 performances in one showcase.
They performed 9999 - You live 1nce, don't regret it (Advanced Level students) and Who's Afraid of the Working Class (Level One Students) in early June at the University's Bencke Studio.
These theatrical productions were guided under the direction of drama lecturer and Industry Mentor, Dene Kermond, himself a fourth generation (former) child actor best known for his slapstick Actor Company and also appearing in popular movies and stage productions, some of which include the award winning Muriel's Wedding, Les Miserable (stage) and A Distant Home.
Dene also teaches and directs throughout Australia and Asia for adult and children's theatre, winning several awards including the Short and Sweet critics award and Audience Pick in 2007.
The drama students within the Bachelor of Performing Arts degree program have worked within intensive workshop situations giving them the opportunity of being involved in the creation of these exciting and thought-provoking theatre pieces.
The input and involvement of the industry within the Bachelor of Performing Arts is a crucial way to ensure students obtain the latest insights, and also networks, within the entertainment industry.
Even more recently the BPA students have been auditioning for, and working with, professional director Katie Kermond ahead of their big production of the popular broadway musical Sweet Charity, due at the Pilbeam Theatre in October.
The larger group of advanced students
The first-years during rehearsal
Letting their hair down
The advanced students
More letting down of hair