Zimbabwe journo to get freedom of expression in Australia
Published on 20 September, 2002
A Zimbabwean journalist will be brought to Australia to study freedom of speech in the context of modern journalism practices.
Enrolled free of charge in Central Queensland University's Advanced Diploma of eJournalism, the journalist will be provided with accommodation and given free transport to and from Australia.
"Through this small gesture, we hope to send a message of support to our colleagues who are struggling to report the truth in Zimbabwe," said Alan Knight, CQU Journalism professor.
Journalists in Zimbabwe have been routinely persecuted for attempting to report on the government's land re-distribution program. Printing presses have been destroyed; Foreign correspondents and local journalists have been arrested. Knight believes journalists have an obligation to confront oppressive regimes Australian foreign correspondent Peter George, Central Queensland University Chaplain Matthew Quaife-Ryan and Dr Knight have been working to raise funds and organise support for the free speech scholarship for the Zimbabwean journalist.
Rockhampton Catholic Diocese, Media Alliance, and CQU's Informatics and Communications Faculty have already provided partial financial assistance.
"Through this, we hope to send a message of support to our colleagues who are struggling to report the truth in Zimbabwe," Dr Knight said.
The Zimbabwean journalist would be able to take advanced courses at CQU including Newspaper Design, Radio Journalism, Television Journalism and Online Investigative Journalism.
People wanting to support the project should email l.healey@cqu.edu.au.
END For further information contact Alan Knight 0421904596