CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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Liz hooked on history thanks to overseas exchange 

Final-year learning management student Elizabeth Hamilton has refocused her study and career ambitions and has even opted to trade the beaches near Bundaberg for the mountains of New Mexico, thanks to an overseas exchange experience...

Liz is grateful to have met people at both CQUniversity and her exchange campus (New Mexico State Uni)  who have opened her eyes to opportunities she had not considered.

PhotoID:8289, Elizabeth Hamilton enjoying life away from the coast
Elizabeth Hamilton enjoying life away from the coast

For information on exchange opportunities

contact exchange-enquiries@cqu.edu.au

Her long-term goal is now to become an American History professor.

"I am planning to relocate to Albuquerque, New Mexico to teach high school Social Studies while undertaking a Masters of Language, Literacy and Socioculture Studies at the University of New Mexico," she said.

LINK HERE to Bobby studies environment, language and ‘romance' thanks to exchange

Born at the Gold Coast, Liz later moved to Bundaberg, where she has been enrolled in a Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and Vocational, Education and Training), majoring in History, while juggling work as a facilitator for the Jobfind Centre.

"I myself graduated from high school uncertain about my career path," she said.

Liz thanks the travel bug for an early career aspiration and says "everything I do (work, school, hobbies) is so I can travel and experience more cultures".

PhotoID:8290, Liz brought back great travel memories
Liz brought back great travel memories

"It wasn't until I travelled and by chance worked as a water safety instructor teaching years 5-17 to swim in Massachusetts, USA that I discovered my passion for teaching. I have always loved History and with my newfound passion for teaching, I enrolled in the BLM at CQUniversity Bundaberg, intending to be a high school History teacher.

"Over the course of my degree I have come into contact with people that have influenced me in a positive way and opened my eyes to opportunities I had not considered before meeting them.

"Before applying for the student exchange I had a lecturer that inspired me to look beyond high school teaching and towards higher education."

Liz said that it was while on exchange in New Mexico that she studied American History and thoroughly enjoyed it. Despite returning to Australia, she has remained in contact with her American professors, who are supporting her future plans.

Highlights of the recent overseas experience included living on an American-style campus.

"The campuses are small cities. I lived on campus and I could have survived the entire semester without leaving. Having friends close by, and being able to walk to all your classes (or take a bus on those cold winter days) was great.

PhotoID:8293, Liz enjoys the outdoor life
Liz enjoys the outdoor life

"History classes were another highlight. I was not taught American History in high school or university, so having the opportunity to learn more about a subject I love was incredible. My professors were all different, in approach and mannerism, but they all influenced me and spurred on my passion for History and teaching."

Liz said she met many incredible people, including those she knows she will stay close to for many years to come.

"They shaped and enhanced my time at NMSU and that experience in turn has influenced my life in a major way. I returned to New Mexico recently and will be back again as soon as I can!"

Despite growing up in coastal Australia, Liz has fallen in love with life in the inland.

"I have never lived more than 10 minutes from the ocean, so to live in a desert state where the closest ocean is 8 hours away was something I didn't expect to love so much. I fell in love with the mountains, the dry cold and then the dry heat and the spring days where the dust would blow sand in your eyes. I did miss the ocean, but not as much as I now miss the mountains."

"I struggled at first to adjust to the taste of the food in New Mexico. Everything tasted slightly different but after some time I found things that I now struggle to live without! Fresh blueberries, cinnamon raison bagels, Tampico, cheese sticks, roast beef from Albertsons and caprese to name a few. 

"Other highlights included playing paintball in the desert, motorcycles rides in and out of Las Cruces, driving to Carlsbad Caverns, Whitesands and Albuquerque, theme parties, spring break to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, travelling throughout California and Colorado, catching up with old friends from previous travels, the spring days just hanging out, boardgames, dinners with friends, walking through campus, reading the Round Up, and 'Trust Me' nights."