OHS staff and students invited to conference
Published on 27 September, 2005
Dr Karen Gallie, a member of CQU’s School of Health and Human Performance and President of the Safety Institute of Australia’s Educator Chapter, wishes to let people know about the upcoming Safety Conference in Sydney, October 26-28th.
Of particular interest to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) educators and trainers is the session “Beyond Tomorrow – Professional Development” is happening on Wednesday, October 26th. Contemporary issues including training from the Certificate IV to University OHS admission will be discussed.
OHS students are encouraged to send a poster of their project/research activities. All student submissions meeting committee poster criteria will be awarded a one-day free pass to the conference (including lunch and refreshments) and are eligible for category awards. Contact Debra Moodie-Bain at: d.moodiebain@uws.edu.au for poster submission details.
Other sessions at the Safety Conference include: “Safety Professionals as Change Agents”, “Understanding the Psychological Foundations of Building Effective Safety Cultures”, “Fatigue and Sleep as Safety Issues” as well as representatives from the recently formed Office of the Australian Safety Compensation Council (ASCC) speaking on the “National OHS Strategy 2002-2012”.
For more information phone Karen on 4930 9706.