Teens not a law unto themselves, thanks to CQUni academics
Published on 02 August, 2012
CQUniversity Law academics Wayne Jones and Anna Farmer got involved with the annual inter-school law debates recently, helping to mentor two of the teenage teams.
Mr Jones said the University donated prizes for the winning team, further supporting the debates conducted by the Central Queensland Law Association.
"This has been a great way for the University to foster better relationships with a number of the high schools in the region and we have already been invited to come and speak to legal studies classes in the near future about a career in law," Mr Jones said.
"Justice McMeekin and his judging panel commented on the night that the debates were of a very high standard and commented specifically about the impressive level of research undertaken by the teams."
The overall winner was Glenmore High, following its victory in the first debate arguing in the negative that 'people should not be allowed to disinherit their children in their wills'.
The other debate centred on the proposition that 'the duty of care in relation to Council's responsibility has gone too far and that individuals need to take personal responsibility for their actions'.
Anna Farmer also lent a hand to teams
Justice Duncan McMeekin