ABC seeks academic for TV role
Published on 21 March, 2005
Are you a doctor of psychiatry, neurology, psychology or specialise in human behavioural science? Do you currently hold (or have recently held) a senior position (Associate Professor or higher) in a university or research institute faculty? Do you have a flare for communicating complex topics in a fun and entertaining way?.
ABC TV is interested in hearing from people with human behavioural science and 'life' experience - people who are as comfortable tackling serious topics as having fun and performing in front of a camera.
ABC Television is looking to develop new programs which focus on behavioural science. It needs a presenter who can confidently discuss science in an entertaining way, and is open to participating in behavioural experiments.
If you feel you have the necessary academic qualifications and the confidence to present a prime time television program, please send a short covering letter, resume and a recent video example of your presenting skills (5 minutes maximum).
This program is in development and, unfortunately, further information is not yet available. If you need more information, email Paul Grocott at .
The closing date for receiving the applications is Monday April 4 2005.
Please mail all applications to:.
ABC Television Science Unit.
ABC Television.
GPO Box 9994.
Sydney NSW 2001.