Sydney's cricket rematch a success
Published on 26 July, 2007
On Saturday, June 23, staff and students from the Sydney International Graduate Campus held another cricket fun day at the Five Dock Indoor Cricket Centre.
The event was eagerly awaited and many participants had attended the first cricket fun day.
Lecturer Chris Keane and LSU tutor Brigit Botts in fielding action
Staff from Client Services, LSU as well as lecturer David Keane (pink team), took part and went up against the yellow, green and red student teams.
Although the staff team tried hard, their skills were no match for the students. The students showed no mercy and the staff team were thoroughly out played. The yellow student team were the eventual winners of the competition.
The match was a huge success and a great way for staff and students to spend a Saturday afternoon.
The calibre of the players was very high and there are plans to put a CQU team into the next indoor competition.
CQU students resting in between matches
Students taking part in the semi final