Engineering students strike rich vein thanks to resource scholarships
Published on 15 April, 2010
Sam Eborn from Gladstone and Daniel Gardner from Mackay have received head starts to their engineering careers after each receiving inaugural CQUniversity Australia and Queensland Resources Council (QRC) scholarships worth up to $40,000.
The scholarships aim to reward and encourage outstanding students who are embarking on an engineering or science career in the resources sector and were awarded earlier this month by CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman, during the University's Academic Prize and Scholarship Presentation.
LINK HERE for Star students 'validated and supported' thanks to awards
Professor Scott Bowman congratulates scholarship winners Sam and Daniel
Professor Bowman said that the scholarships were awarded to students who completed their secondary studies with outstanding academic results and who demonstrated leadership qualities.
"CQUniversity is very pleased to work with the QRC to encourage and support talented students to engage in careers in engineering and the physical sciences and who will contribute to the resources sector in the future," Professor Bowman said.
QRC Chief Executive Michael Roche said QRC was proud to assist high-quality students like Samuel and Daniel at the starting point of their careers in the resources sector.
"It's a sector that has so much to offer young people," Mr Roche said. "The students themselves tell us that the scholarships offer so much more than just money."
"They bring with them opportunities to create lasting relationships with people in resources sector companies and build a profile within the sector from their very first year at university."
Through the QRC's existing scholarships, it has an association with a talented group of 17 undergraduate engineering and science students from across Queensland who act as ambassadors for the resources sector.
Sam Eborn, who after graduating from Gladstone State High School in 2008 undertook a GAP year, is now embarking on a Bachelor of Engineering (Co-operative)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) at CQUniversity in Gladstone.
"While I was at school I had the opportunity to do work experience at Tasman Warajay. An engineer took me under his wing and explained the coal-handling process and the importance of systems of communication, monitoring and quality control to ensure the end product meets the required specifications. That experience cemented for me that I wanted to pursue a career in the resources sector,' said Daniel.
Daniel Gardner, who while at St Patrick's College won a number of academic awards, is embarking on a Bachelor of Engineering (Co-operative)/ Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) at CQUniversity in Mackay.
"I have seen the positive impact the resources sector has had on Mackay during my lifetime and I look forward to a rewarding career in an industry of national significance and importance," Daniel said.
The QRC is the peak representative body for minerals and energy sector companies in Queensland. The two scholarships are the first of nine to be awarded by QRC in 2010.
Meanwhile, CQUniversity's Donor Prize and Scholarship Coordinator Melissa Misztal said donors were starting to see the significant impact that prizes and scholarships have on students and their experience at CQUniversity.
Ms Misztal said these awards have a ‘transformative benefit', not only to students but also to the community.
"By making University more accessible and alleviating financial pressures, scholarships and prizes increase participation in higher education and therefore assist in regional development, as we are putting more skilled professionals back into our local community," Ms Misztal said.
Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact Melissa Misztal on 07 4923 2786 or .