Experiences of fathers of child cancer patients documented
Published on 21 May, 2007
Pioneering research by the CQU-based International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research (IPP-SHR) has documented fathers' perspectives on the multiple challenges associated with having a child undergo cancer treatment.
The research has found that many fathers play a significant role in their child's treatment experience, directly providing care to the child-patient and supporting well siblings and the mothers.
IPP-SHR researcher Dr Pam McGrath
Whilst fathers' roles were found to vary between families, the majority of fathers were strongly involved in their child's treatment, with many sharing the responsibility of staying with the ill child in hospital.
Significant obstacles were found to block fathers' abilities to be present at the hospital with their patient-child, most notably fathers' breadwinner status and consequent work commitments. Tensions also existed between wanting to be present with the sick child in hospital and needing to support other siblings at home.
According to IPP-SHR researcher Dr Pam McGrath, "these findings have important implications for the development of holistic care strategies that are sensitive to fathers' needs and responsive to the roles that they play in the treatment of seriously ill children".
Additional details of research are published in this month's Psycho-Social Update, Volume 2 Issue 1 via http://www.ipp-shr.cqu.edu.au/psychoupdate/vol2iss1/PSU_Vol_2_Issue_1.pdf
IPP-SHR is a collaborative initiative jointly funded by Central Queensland University and National Health & Medical Research Council. It aims to document and examine the human experience of serious illness and ‘make a difference' to those at the coalface of healthcare.
For further information or an interview contact Dr Pam McGrath, by telephone: +61 7 3374 1792, or by email: pam_mcgrath@bigpond.com or via http://www.ipp-shr.cqu.edu.au/
Alternatively, contact Program Manager, Hamish Holewa, by telephone: +61 7 3720 8084 or by email: h.holewa@cqu.edu.au