Salinity researchers visit Plant Science
Published on 10 October, 2003
CQU's Plant Sciences Group recently hosted a visit by 80 salinity researchers, policy makers, primary producers and advocates taking part in the 9th National Conference on Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Land.
The visitors observed on-going salinity research in the Plant Sciences Group's Rockhampton facility, which focuses on the novel technique of improving plants’ ability to exclude salts by aerating the root zone, using aerated water through subsurface drip irrigation.
The CQU research was highly praised by the national salinity experts, including Dr Ed J. Barrett-Lennard.
The experiment on forced aeration of crop root zone is the first of its kind in Australia and CQU Plants Sciences Group is the leading institution for the root zone aeration of subsurface drip irrigated crops in Australia. The tour was briefed by Plant Sciences Group Doctoral Fellow Surya Bhattarai, honours student Lance Perdergast and Associate Professor Kerry Walsh.