Former CQUni researcher now Chair for rural industries peak body
Published on 11 May, 2010
Congratulations to former CQUniversity researcher Professor Daniela Stehlik who has been appointed as Chair of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC).
Professor Stehlik is one of Australia's leading social scientists in the areas of sustainability, human service practice and social cohesion with a focus on families and communities in regional/rural Australia. She has also recently been appointed as inaugural Director of the new Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University.
Professor Stehlik served for nine years at CQUniversity in the 1990s and early 2000s before leaving to become Foundation Chair in Stronger Communities and Director of the Research Centre for Stronger Communities (RCSC) at Curtin University of Technology.
While in Rockhampton, she took on leadership positions, including as an Associate Dean (Research) and Director of the Centre for Social Science Research.