Childhood around American lake instills love of nature
Published on 13 January, 2010
Jessica Scannell developed her appreciation of nature as she grew up in Smithfield, Maine, the most north-easterly of the American states, with a family home situated on a pristine freshwater lake...
Now working on the other side of the world at CQUniversity Gladstone, Jessica has swapped freshwater for saltwater as she works with the Marine Ecology Program of the Centre for Environmental Management.
She's currently working with Dr Ralph Alquezar to research the abundance and distribution of several finfish (coral trout) species. Longer-term there's an interest in genetic studies and invasive species monitoring.
Jessica completed her undergraduate studies in Boston, Massachusetts (majoring in mathematics and biology) and her Masters research in marine biology at James Cook University. She also worked as an environmental manager for earthmoving and mining company Shekar Constructions before taking up her CQUniversity role.
Since her hobbies of skiing and ice fishing have to wait for occasional trips back to the USA, Jessica has taken up underwater photography and fish identification for leisure.
She's also a keen traveller, enjoying backpacking in Ireland, road trips across the USA, Canada and Australia and travelling throughout the Caribbean region.
Jessica has a bit more travelling on her agenda as she commutes daily from her home in Biloela to her workplace at the Gladstone Marina.