Social work 4th-years pass on wisdom
Published on 26 June, 2006
Continuing a tradition started last year, the current 4th-year Social Work students have, in their learning groups, video-taped a message to the 1st-year Bachelor of Social Work students due to start in 2007.
The students were attending a week-long residential school last week when they placed a DVD-ROM disc containing the messages in the BSW ‘time capsule’ buried in the courtyard of building 32.
Social Work academic Dr Daniel Teghe said the ceremony was meaningful to the 4th years as a means of connecting to the future.
"In addition, at some stage the BSW alumni might meet at CQU and perhaps use the messages to look back," he said.
Photo (above): Glen Muller and Olivia Hoskins bury the wisdom of the current 4th-years.
Photo (below): Social Work students Angela Bowen, Melissa Lees and Jo Falzon observe the ceremony.