CQU part of 'healthier uni students' program
Published on 23 March, 2005
Queensland Health this week announced a new initiative to promote healthier lifestyles among Queensland university students.
The healthier universities coordinator for CQU is Robyn Nissen at Student Services on 4930 9664.
Dr Kevin Lambkin, Director of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Services said the Healthier Universities program is an expansion of the existing DrinkSmart* Program, which has been running in universities across Queensland for more than eight years.
“Healthier Universities will build on the success of the DrinkSmart* Program which focused on responsible drinking, to address lifestyle behaviours such as nutrition, smoking, physical activity, mental health and injury,” Dr Lambkin said.
“We know these lifestyle behaviours impact on people’s health and contribute to a number of chronic diseases, and Healthier Universities provides opportunities to encourage young people to adopt healthier lifestyle choices early on in life.
“Twelve campuses from eight universities across Queensland will receive grants from Queensland Health to implement activities to promote health messages and create supportive environments on campus that make healthy choices easy.
“The project is also being supported by Queensland Transport who have contributed funding and a resource kit to each university to help promote safe drink driving and drink walking messages to reduce alcohol related crashes,” Dr Lambkin said.
Universities participating include:.
The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Ipswich and Gatton) Queensland University of Technology Australian Catholic University Griffith University (Brisbane and Gold Coast) University of Sunshine Coast.
University of Southern Queensland Central Queensland University James Cook University (Townsville and Cairns).
Campus activities will include:.
education and awareness activities for students on various health issues.
safe event management practices.
joint inter-agency projects.
peer helper programs.
the development of healthier lifestyle policies on campuses.