Move over Maverick - student aviators are dressed for success
Published on 23 May, 2011
Career advisers often suggest that when you are seeking a new job you not only have to act the part but also look the part.
And that's one thing that CQUniversity's aviation students now have under control.
Looking the part - CQUniversity aviation students show off their new uniforms.Students have had a complete makeover. They have replaced their typical student attire of t-shirts and thongs with a new style of dress that has made heads turn.
The uniform has been based on the airforce or airline pilot shirt with epaulettes and embroidery and is matched with formal dark pants or skirts.
It's a statement that will stand the students in good stead, according to Aviation Technology lecturer Ron Bishop.
"If our students look and present themselves as aviation professionals, they will be professional in everything they do including studying at our fine university," Mr Bishop said.
"I want our students to look sharp and have great pride in being a part of CQUniversity while studying in aviation."
The Aviation Student Advisory Committee recently voted unanimously for the mandatory wearing of the aviation student uniform for all aviation classes and community and marketing events.
Aviation lecturer Ron Bishop shows off his students' new style."The uniforms came about because I wanted to instil camaraderie, increase morale, and give a sense of belonging to our aviation students. I had the idea of a uniform and went to the local uniform shop, Shawline, and created it.
"The uniform was then shown to Bundaberg students in all programs for feedback and improvements. The feedback was positive and the rest is history."