Your tips welcome for testimonials
Published on 09 January, 2006
CQU Corporate Publications is collecting testimonials from current students and graduates for each program that is offered and will then include them in the online handbook.
If you know someone, or if you yourself have an interesting job directly related to the CQU program you completed, please contact Sarah McLeod on
Currently, the focus is undergraduate programs, and listed below are those still requiring testimonial support.
Built Environment and Design.
Associate Degree in Building Design - known as Advanced Diploma in Building Design prior to 2006.
Associate Degree in Building Surveying - known as Advanced Diploma in Building Inspections prior to 2006.
Bachelor of Construction Management.
Business and Tourism.
Diploma of Business - known as Associate Degree in Business, started in 2004.
Creative and Performing Arts.
Bachelor of Jazz Studies.
Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary Graduate Entry).
Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary Graduate Entry).
Engineering & Technology.
Bachelor of Engineering - computer systems.
Health and Recreation.
Bachelor of Nursing Informatics.
Humanities and Social Sciences.
Bachelor of E-Journalism.
Bachelor of Bio-medical Sciences.
Double Degrees.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Accounting.
Bachelor of Business (Specialisation)/Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET).
Bachelor of Science (Chemical Sciences)/Bachelor of Information Technology.
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET).
Bachelor of Applied Physics/Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET).
Bachelor of Engineering Technology/ Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET).
Bachelor of Engineering Technology/Bachelor of Business (Specialisation).
Dual Degrees.
Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Applied Physics.
Programs started in 2005.
Bachelor of Property.
Bachelor of Creative Enterprise.
Bachelor of Learning Design.
Bachelor of Information Technology (Bioinformatics).
Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op).
Associate Degree of Multimedia Studies.
Programs started in 2003.
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce.
Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary vocational education and training)undergraduate pathway.
Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary vocational education and training) graduate pathway.
Bachelor of Science (Psychology).
Bachelor of Aviation Technology.