New Toastmasters executive inducted at CQU Mackay luncheon
Published on 24 July, 2003
Mackay Toastmasters Area 32 Governor Howard Frost inducted Central Queensland University’s new Toastmasters president Kerrie Mann at a recent luncheon. Ms Mann is completing her final year of Bachelor of Business through CQU and has belonged to Toastmasters for two years.
Toastmasters is a non-profit organisation aimed at improving communication and leadership skills. CQU Toastmasters meets the first, third and fifth Tuesdays each month from 1-2pm at the campus, with membership open to the public. For more details phone Stephen O’Berg on 4940 7437.
Photo caption: Toastmasters Area 32 Governor Howard Frost (far right) joins CQU Toastmasters Janice Nelson, Peter Baxter, Stephen Oberg, Kerrie Mann, Jocelyn Wood and Katie Sawtell at a recent luncheon held to induct the group’s new executive. Photo caption: Incoming president Kerrie Mann proudly shows the trophy she received for being Toastmaster of the Year.