CQU Press Book of the Week
Published on 03 February, 2005
'Half a Lifetime'.
By Frank Brabazon Rudd CQU Press (Outback Books) $25.95.
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"Half a Lifetime" By Frank Brabazon Rudd is an engaging account of the first four decades of his life.
It traces the colourful story of the pioneering Brabazon and Rudd families from which the author is descended, before vividly describing his outback childhood on Kingsborough Station, on the Mitchell grass plains west of Aramac.
His adventures as a commercial traveller in Western Queensland during the heady days of the wool boom of the 1950s provide a fascinating portrait of a now-vanished era. Unusual encounters with many well-known characters surface during the 1960s, when Frank returns to Rockhampton to become the energetic inaugural manager of the Regional Development Bureau, a company director, an instigator of tourist ventures and a candidate in a vital Federal by-election.
Told with wit and good humour, his lively story will strike a special chord with readers who can recall the days of Empire, and who marvelled at the fast changing Australia that followed.