Take the Low Carbon Diet challenge
Published on 22 March, 2010
‘Diet' may be a four letter word - but we can all go on the Low Carbon Diet to help save energy, the environment - and some money!
The Queensland Government has set a target to reduce our State's household carbon footprint by a third by 2010, and has asked us to examine our day to day lifestyles to reduce our household carbon emissions.
One way for us to do this is through the Low Carbon Diet. Why not join the more than 300 Central Queensland households who are already participating in the Low Carbon Diet so far, taking a great step towards reducing their carbon footprint.
The current carbon footprint of the average Queensland household is 13.77 tonnes of CO2 each year (13,770 kgs).
However, there are lots of really simple things we can do to reduce our emissions by a huge amount. The diet is about making simple, low-cost changes to reduce your carbon footprint such as only using the dishwasher when it is full, washing clothes in cold water, hanging washing on the line, switching to Green Power or changing to energy saving light globes.
If you want your household to take part in the Low Carbon Diet, you can register at http://www.lowcarbondiet.com.au/ or call 4927 0111.
CQ Local Government Association is proud to be in partnership with Greening Australia for the Low Carbon Diet program. For every household that registers for the Low Carbon Diet, Greening Australia will plant three trees at community planting sites around the Region.
The Low Carbon Diet is a Queensland Government initiative through the ClimateSmart program that is coordinated by the Central Queensland Local Government Association (CQLGA).