Unisong part of Winter Classics Concert
Published on 24 June, 2008
Unisong, the choir based at CQUniversity Rockhampton, is among the features of the Winter Classics Concert scheduled for Rockhampton, from 7.30pm on Friday July 4 at the Pilbeam Theatre.
The concert will be presented by the Brisbane Regional Youth Orchestra, conducted by Shaun Dorney, and Rockhampton Youth Orchestra, conducted by Mr Chris Allen.
Unisong in a previous performance
The repertoire will include a selection of classical favourites as well as The Rhythm of Life, musical highlights from Annie, The Sound of Music and an exciting work featuring the combined ensembles, Adiemus (Ah-day-arm-us) by Karl Jenkins.
Tickets are $7 each: available from the Pilbeam Theatre box office. The concert is the first in the Brisbane Regional Youth Orchestra's regional tour.