Residents would shell out to save Reef
Published on 09 April, 2010
With the Chinese bulk carrier Shen Neng run aground off the coast of Central Queensland a just-completed 2-year survey conducted by CQUniversity Australia of more than 4000 Queensland households shows residents would be willing to spend $150 million of their own money, annually, to protect/improve conditions on the Great Barrier Reef.
"Clearly, protection of the Reef is a high priority among Queenslanders, " says CQUniversity Professor John Rolfe, Director of the University's Centre for Environmental Management.
This CQUniversity research reveals that Australians believe increased public and private investment in protecting the Great Barrier Reef is worth the expense if areas of coral reef and the number and diversity of fish species are protected. Survey results also shows that people who live closer to the Great Barrier Reef value it more than other Australians.
CQUniversity has campuses throughout Central Queensland, including Gladstone and Rockhampton in relative close proximity to Douglas Shoal.