First ever Staff Expo huge success
Published on 09 March, 2011
About 300 CQUniversity staff attended the inaugural Staff Expo held this week on the Rockhampton Campus. The event exceeded expectations, with over 26 stallholders exhibiting products and services available to CQUniversity employees.
There were lots of fun activities and give-aways for staff along with a free sausage sizzle.
The event also celebrated the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.
Some of the lucky prize winners included Michelle Hodda who won two tickets to the 2011 University Ball, Dianne Crockford who won a $400 ATEM professional development package and David Murray who won a $250 eyewear voucher from Westfund.
Many stalls showcased CQUniversity organisational units including the Institute for Health and Social Science Research, FABIE, Student Centres, Facilities Management, the Vice-Chancellor and President's Directorate and People and Culture.
Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Scott Bowman praised staff for their involvement as stallholders and attendees and gave everyone ‘top marks' for their enthusiasm.
More Staff Expos are being held over the next two months at the Mackay, Gladstone and Bundaberg Campuses.
Barbara Miller, Director, People and Culture Directorate said "the event was a great example of cross-unit cooperation and teamwork with staff from across the University working together, in a very short timeframe, to ensure the inaugural Staff Expo was a success."