Anglicare and CQU address rural social worker shortage
Published on 19 April, 2007
Anglicare - Central Queensland has signed a $2000 scholarship agreement with Central Queensland University in an effort to attract and retain more social work students in rural communities.
Anglicare CEO for Central Queensland, Tony Stevenson said the industry was facing a real challenge in getting qualified students into rural areas.
CQU's Professor Elizabeth Taylor with Anglicare CEO for Central Queensland, Tony Stevenson
"This scholarship is designed to get students involved in rural communities while they are still studying by encouraging students to complete their practicum in one of our rural offices. This initiative is also backed by sustainable employment opportunities which will hopefully assist in retaining these students once they graduate."
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Health at CQU, Professor Elizabeth Taylor AO said the scholarship signifies the collaboration between CQU and Central Queensland community.
"Initiatives such as this one help foster integrated learning and ensure that CQU and the community are partners in the learning journey. It also acknowledges the career and learning opportunities that exist in regional and rural areas," Professor Taylor said.
The scholarship is open to all students studying Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Arts (Welfare Studies). Anglicare - Central Queensland currently has rural offices in Biloela, Moura, Woorabinda, Mt Morgan, Blackwater, Emerald, Barcaldine, Longreach and Winton.