Graduate among 'cream of crop' from 3000 applicants for Oracle
Published on 05 March, 2009
CQUniversity IT graduate Mohammad Khan has expressed 'elation' at joining Oracle, the world's largest business software company, as a graduate analyst...
Mohammad completed a Master of Information Systems, specialising in Technology Management at our Sydney International Campus.
Mohammad Khan is 'elated' after the exhaustive selection process
The successful student was guided by his lecturer and mentor Dr Ergun Gide, who encouraged him to apply for graduate positions with IT companies.
"I learned how to work with group members, how to deal with different kinds of people and companies' security and ethics," he said.
"Dr Gide taught me to think outside the square!"
Although Mohammad never pictured himself working for a big global software company, he was successfully selected for one of 13 positions with Oracle Corporation.
There was fierce competition from applicants in Australia and New Zealand and an exacting selection process to endure.
Initially, some 3000 applicants applied for the positions but the field was narrowed to 100 candidates after aptitude tests and strict selection criteria were applied.
Mohammad said the process was really difficult:
Mohammad Khan"The interview was scheduled for 2 days. For the first day, all the candidates needed to do a group assignment and also present their individual solutions to the panels.
"In my group there were 5 graduates; one from Macquarie University, one from UNSW, one from Sydney University and one from the University of Wollongong, with me representing CQUniversity".
Once Mohammad completed the first round he was invited back for further testing. The second stage of the selection process involved personal interviews, during which the candidates were questioned on a broad range of general, behavioural and technological knowledge.
The job applicants also had to make a personal presentation on any chosen topic. Mohammad decided to make a presentation on Internet fraud, a hot topic in the world of digital communication. The presentation was warmly received and Mohammad had to field further questions about his chosen topic.
Finally, he was asked to appear before another selection panel. Following this interview, Mohammad and another 12 graduates were chosen for the positions.
Mohammad believes that he was given every encouragement to succeed at CQUniversity.
"We have the opportunities. All we need is the desire and good guidance. At Sydney Campus there is everything a student needs to be successful".
- Story contributed by Dr Chris Keane