Extensive experience shared with Sydney students
Published on 07 March, 2007
Dr Martand Joshi talks about cultural awareness with students from CQU Sydney International CampusDr Martand Joshi, former Honorary Consul of India, visited CQU Sydney International Campus last week to talk to staff and students about cultural awareness.
Dr Joshi is currently employed with the Melbourne and Sydney international campuses as a consultant in the area of International Cultural Liaison.
Dr Joshi met with academics to address the learning needs of international students.
He discussed what first-year undergraduate students from the subcontinent may expect when they first arrive.
This was a vital interactive forum in which Dr Joshi shared his extensive experience as an educator of young international undergraduate students in Australia and the USA.
Teachers shared strategies to help students engage more successfully in the classroom and in their studies.
Dr Joshi met informally with students attending the campus to enrol. In a group forum he helped students share their experiences and lifelong lessons that they had learned while studying at SIC, and discussed how these can benefit them in life.
Students in their final term were able to use the forum to pass on "really helpful hints" to the many new students enrolling in their first term of study.
Dr Joshi gained his PhD from the University of California before lecturing at the University of Georgia and the University of California. Dr Joshi has travelled to many countries with both study and work, and has experienced the difficulties overseas students face.
Dr Joshi explained to the students how it was his role with CQU to enhance the cultural and educational experiences of the students and how as an organisation we want to further our understanding of the students and their cultures so we can respond to their needs.
Dr Joshi recently retired as Honorary Consul of India. Since his arrival in Australia in 1970, he has actively worked with the Indian community to address social and religious concerns.