Under the milky way
Published on 08 May, 2003
Staff from CQU's James Goldston Faculty of Engineering & Physical Systems have helped students from Frenchville State School to see the stars. The year six students and their families took part in Starfest, 2003, on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Telescopes and binoculars for the viewing were provided by the Faculty and staff were on hand to help the students use the equipment.
The Frenchville School oval, away from buildings and streetlights and combined with clear skies, made for excellent viewing.
CQU Physics lecturer Cathy Capern said, “the moon is always impressive through a telescope and the students were very enthusiastic. We had more than 100 people on both nights. They saw Jupiter and its moons, Saturn and its rings and other interesting night sky phenomena.
Starfest 2003 is a nation-wide week long series of astronomical events aimed at inspiring exploration of the universe.
For more information on Starfest 2003 see http://www.ozskywatch.com.
Photo: Year six student Ann-Marie from Frenchville State School planet watching.