Burnett River Dam in focus at Uni conference
Published on 21 October, 2004
Staff and students are encouraged to stay up-to-date with the latest developments regarding water usage and the Paradise Dam project by attending the next Engineers Australia conference at CQU Bundaberg this Saturday (October 23).
The full-day conference will examine the economic, social and environmental impacts of the Burnett River Dam and will be preceded by a dinner at the Sugarland Tavern on Friday night.
Several speakers will present papers during the morning session, beginning at 9am.
The economic decision to construct dam will be presented by Euan Morton of Synergies Economic Solutions.
Several local speakers will follow: Tony Cavallaro from the Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association will talk about the future development of the horticultural industry and Craig Thamm from Burnett Dam Alliance will present a paper on environmental management at dam site.
Greg Long from Department of Natural Resources and Mines will present a paper on water planning and Noel Baldwin of the Canegrowers Association will reflect upon water use and the sugar industry.
A visit to the dam site to examine technical aspects of the dam’s construction is planned after lunch.
Participants can expect to arrive back at the campus at 5pm.
For more information about the conference or to register, contact Samantha Green at Bundaberg City Council on 4153 9900.