Engineering graduates present at annual conference
Published on 15 May, 2006
Central Queensland University will host this year’s Graduating Engineers Conference, GECon 2006, on Friday June 23 in Rockhampton.
Industry and community members are invited to attend the conference which will showcase this year’s graduating class projects through oral presentations and a collection of papers.
The conference will be held at CQU Rockhampton from 9.30am until 4pm.
Conference organiser Dr Col Greensill said he encouraged interested persons to witness the level of knowledge and expertise of CQU’s engineering graduates.
“We have held this conference since 2002 and it has become a high priority annual event for all those interested in excellence in engineering,” Mr Greensill said.
“The conference allows industry representatives to support their new colleagues and also provides a recruitment opportunity”.
The conference is free of charge and open to all, but RSVPs are required for catering purposes. Contact Col on 4930 9895 or
All conference delegates are also invited to attend the conference dinner which will be held at the Heritage Village Shearing Shed, Parkhurst, from 7pm.
This year, the guest speaker for the event is Brendan Burkett. Nationally recognised for his motivational and leadership abilities, Mr Burkett is a motivational consultant for the Paralympics and a World Champion, a World Record Holder and a Commonwealth Games and Australian multiple medalist. Brendan has also completed a Masters degree in Engineering, and a PhD in Biomechanics. In 2000 Brendan was awarded the Institution of Engineers Australia, Professional Engineer of the Year Award.
GECon 2006 is sponsored by Anglo Coal, Engineers Australia, Ergon Energy, Maunsell Australia, Queensland Rail and Worleyparsons.
More information can be viewed at .