Uni to create more 'touch-points' with disadvantaged students
Published on 25 May, 2010
CQUniversity has announced ‘a renewed vigour' in the way it forms relationships with disadvantaged students in primary schools and beyond, to enable their progression as learners and to involve their families along the way.
Earlier and more intensive relationships, embedded with longstanding efforts, will help dismantle myths about higher education, creating cultural change, inspiration and aspiration.
The University sees this as vital because it serves regions with high proportions of low socio-economic students (LSES) and almost half of its domestic students are from LSES-designated schools.
An expanded CQUniversity Experience Outreach Program - building on many years of experience with targeted projects - has been launched in the presence of staff members, school representatives and a senior government official (on Tuesday May 25).
The launch was videoconferenced from Rockhampton to campuses in Bundaberg, Mackay, Gladstone and Emerald.
Academic Registrar Barbara Lawrence said that, as a nation, it was imperative we break down the barriers "that have led to the ongoing under-representation in higher education of students from low socio-economic backgrounds, if we are to achieve greater national productivity and encourage social cohesion".
"Our strategic plan 2010 - 2013 provides a clear mandate for our commitment to widening participation from low socio-economic students to higher education," she said.
"CQUniversity has a long history in providing Outreach programs to the communities it serves. Outreach focuses on raising aspirations, dismantling myths and providing information and real life experiences about higher education."
The Minister for Education, Julia Gillard has announced that the guidelines for the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) have been approved to increase enrolments of students from a low socio-economic status (LSES) background: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Pages/default.aspx .