Action galore at CQU Bundaberg
Published on 06 February, 2003
There has plenty of action at Bundaberg Central Queensland University in the past few days with preparations well underway for the Women In Research conference and “The Creation Series” art exhibition.
The exhibition showcasing Bundaberg artist Christine Turner’s work was hung in Building One under the watchful eye of curator Joan Winter.
Ms Winter says Christine Turner is a self-taught artist whose work encompasses a variety of aspects including contemporary assemblage, collage, painting and digital imaging.
“She has represented Bundaberg with exhibitions nation-wide and has been a recipient of two Arts Queensland Project Grants. Her works characteristically incorporate and recycle the discarded. Many of her recent works feature reclaimed textiles, women's needlework and embroidery.
‘The exhibition is on display during business hours until May 5 and everyone is welcome to visit. Such a large solo exhibition by this national acclaimed artist is a rare treat for Bundaberg. Her art deals with the big issues such as identity, memory, the body, nature, culture, power and the sacred,” said Ms Winter.
Other big issues such as water issues in the Bundaberg region, how language affects reconciliation, influences on student teachers and organic farming will be talked about at the ‘Breaking New Ground Conference’ being opened by Kay Giles, Director of Wide Bay TAFE at 9am Friday February 7.
During the two day conference local postgraduate students, academics from Central Queensland University, other regional universities, a British university and non-academics will present papers on a wide range of topics with locals encouraged to attend and hear about research taken place by women both in this area and throughout Queensland.
Guest speaker at the conference is Queensland University’s Erica McWilliam.
Visiting British academic Christine Hallett gave local people the opportunity to find out about how they can help preserve the history of nursing during her workshop ‘Working Together’ on Thursday February 6 between 9am and 4pm.
For more information about the conference contact Darlene Turner on 07 41507051. Check out the website for research details and program times so you can go along and listen.
Photo: “The Creation Series” on display at Bundaberg CQU pictured from left curator Joan Winter, artist Christine Turner and Brisbane City Gallery’s Frank McBride, on his regional tour of Queensland stopped by to view the exhibition and meet the artist.