Mackay hosts 'OctoberVET' research forum
Published on 05 November, 2008
CQUniversity Mackay has hosted one of only 10 OctoberVET research forums to be held in Australia.
The recent forum (Thursday, Oct 30) focused on issues related to ‘negotiating a research agenda for learning and earning' and provided an opportunity to present emerging local and national vocational education and training research and research issues.
Each year AVETRA, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, organises community research events to showcase VET research. Mackay was selected as the only regional venue this year.
These locally convened events are often, but not always, held in October - hence ‘OctoberVET' - and aim to engage local VET researchers and practitioners in discussions about recent and topical research.
CQUniversity academics contributing to the event included Dr Roberta (Bobby) Harreveld, Dr Col Greensill and Fons Nouwens.
The first presenter was Sharon Mullins, Director, Schooling and Innovation Division of Indigenous Education, Training and the Arts, Department of Education, Training & the Arts.
Other presenters included Colin McPherson from the Australian Industry Group, Allan Briggs from the Mackay Area Industry Network and Professor Michael Singh from the University of Western Sydney.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Dr Harreveld via or 07 4930 6836