Dutch student circles globe for comparative study
Published on 06 September, 2006
Dutch undergraduate student Floortje Richters has travelled to Australia to pursue research comparing responses of students in different countries to scenarios about work purchasing decisions.
While at CQU Rockhampton (for 7 weeks) she is keen to contact potential participants for her study and can be contacted via f.richters@cqu.edu.au .
The University of Twente student will continue her comparative research in Canberra later this year. She will take the opportunity to become a tourist before heading back to The Netherlands.
The University of Twente, near Enschede in the east of the country, is an entrepreneurial research university. It was founded in 1961 and offers education and research in areas ranging from public policy studies and applied physics to biomedical technology.
Ms Richters approached a range of potential host universities in Australia that have links to UT and CQU (via Professor Paul Hyland) was the first to reply. Professor Hyland's links with European universities have resulted in several student visits this year.
The Dutch visitor is enjoying a 'homestay' with Faculty of Business & Informatics academic Angela Dobele.