Sunshine Coast school groundsman embarks on teaching career
Published on 06 September, 2002
School groundsman Peter McGeechan has embarked on a teaching career by undertaking studies at the Noosa Teacher Education Campus.
Mr McGeechan has already had an interesting career path, including an apprenticeship as a diesel fitter and running his own landscaping business.
He has gone from full-time to part-time in his job as a groundsman at Tewantin State School to enable him to study at NoosaTEC and to gain classroom experience at Kenilworth State School.
NoosaTEC is a ground-breaking partnership between Education Queensland and Central Queensland University's Faculty of Education and Creative Arts, located in the grounds of the Cooroora Secondary College at Pomona.
It provides a hub for delivery of the Bachelor of Learning Management (BLM) and Master of Learning Management (MLM) degrees.
Sunshine Coast people interested in education careers are encouraged to visit the Noosa Teacher Education Centre website at or to phone 07 5485 2986 for details.
BLM coordinator David Lynch said additional places in the BLM program will be allocated for 2003, given the demand from Sunshine Coast. ENDS Peter McGeechan can be contacted via NoosaTEC on 07 5485 2986 or via Tewantin State School on 07 5447 1844 or Kenilworth State School on 07 5446 0285 home on 07 5446 9268