IPP-SHR continues podcasting of psycho-social health research
Published on 26 May, 2008
The International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research (IPP-SHR) launched its free podcasting program at the end of last year and is continuing the initiative in 2008.
Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Central Queensland University, IPP-SHR is breaking new ground with its development of podcasting.
The latest podcasts are available via: http://www.ipp-shr.cqu.edu.au/
IPP-SHR Podcasts explore the latest happenings in the world of psycho-social health research through interviews with eminent researchers and practitioners around the globe.
These podcasts enable interested listeners to keep abreast of happenings in their field of research and connect in an entertaining way with findings of importance to them.
IPP-SHR is using its podcasting endeavour to support its core aim of making a difference in the real world of healthcare by facilitating the global dissemination of research findings to those working at the coalface of health care.
IPP-SHR provides free online access to all of its podcasts, interview transcripts and related links, enabling listeners to hear podcasts and access accompanying information, including articles and author bios, with the simple click of a button. Listeners are able to subscribe via IPP-SHR's website to automatically receive weekly podcasts. The official launch of IPP-SHR Podcasts took place on December 5 at Brisbane Powerhouse.
The IPP-SHR podcast team Dr Pam McGrath, Hamish Holewa, Michael Bouwman, Stasia Kail-Buckley
Examples of recent podcasts include:
Japanese Patients' Descriptions of 'The Good Nurse'
Factors Impacting Utilisation of South African Maternal Health Services
A New Approach in Decision Making Strategies of Midwives.
Successful Return to Work for Cancer Survivors
Lay Health Care Workers and Community Health Care Outreach Programs in South Africa
Reproductive Intentions among HIV positive women and men in South Africa
Patient communication preferences on heart failure prognosis
After going through chemotherapy, I can't see another needle.
The Faceless Encounter: Ethical Dilemmas in Telephone Nursing
"Take My Hand Help Me Out" Mental Health Consumers Experience of the Therapeutic Relationship
Effects of Psycho-Social Factors on Breast Cancer Outcomes
Cardiac Pain or Panic Disorder? Managing Uncertainty in the Emergency Department
Health Care Priority Setting in Developing Countries
It's no skin off my nose. Why people take part in Qualitative Health Research
A Qualitative Study on Health Providers' Illness Narratives
The IPP-SHR podcast team Hamish Holewa, Michael Bouwman, Dr Pam McGrath, Stasia Kail-Buckley
Guest speaker A/Prof David Henderson, Medical Director Redland Hospital