Training day due for Scanning Electron Microscope
Published on 17 February, 2005
Postgraduate students and researchers in the field of physical and biological sciences are invited to a free training day for the recently installed scanning electron microscope (SEM) in Gladstone.
The training day will be held on March 17 at the Process Engineering and Light Metals (PELM) Centre at CQU Gladstone.
The SEM (JEOL JSM 6360 LA) is an excellent imaging tool that is easy to use with training.
As well as imaging, the SEM has an EDS system capable of analysing and mapping for elements from Be to U.
The aim of the training day is to give a general background in the SEM and to give some "hands-on" experience. At the end of the course participants will effectively have an "L" plate licence to drive the SEM with some assistance and to have a good understanding of the results.
The course presenters will be Dick Metcalfe, Natalia Deeva and Richard Clegg. Notes will be provided beyond what is covered in the course for later reference. At the end of the course, students will be given a short quiz and a certificate of attendance.
Because of space limitations, the course will be limited to 12 participants. There is no charge for the course. The Office of Research will provide a free lunch, as well as transport via minibus from Rockhampton to Gladstone for the day.
To book for this course, please email Richard Clegg ( ).