Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision
Published on 07 March, 2011
Associate Professor Roberta Harreveld ...
Bobby Harreveld accepts her award
This award acknowledges Roberta (Bobby) Harreveld for her commitment to achieving an outstanding level of performance in supervising, mentoring and training research higher degree candidates. This award recognises that quality research higher degree supervision is fundamental to providing a high quality research education experience, leading to successful learning outcomes and graduate attributes for research higher degree candidates and the completion of research degrees of the highest standard.
Through her innovative commitment to candidates, Bobby demonstrates her ability to guide candidates towards success in completing their higher degree research program. Bobby has encouraged candidates to become involved in and to collaborate with the Education Research Networks established with colleagues at other universities. Bobby adopts a distinctive curriculum and pedagogy for research higher degree supervision, calling it a pedagogy of hope and a curriculum for cosmopolitan capabilities. Bobby was also the Foundation Director of the Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre, demonstrating her professional and personal commitment to engaging candidates and researchers to succeed in education research.