Our graduate outcomes good, says Guide
Published on 01 August, 2003
CQU is a big university but flexible to get into, with positive study experiences and good job outcomes.
That is according to the Good Universities Guide released this week (Tuesday, July 29), which gives CQU seven 5-star ratings, the most top ratings of any regional university in Australia.
CQU’s own graduates give it a 5-star rating for the educational experience, while the University also gets top ratings for starting salaries, cultural diversity, entry flexibility, non-reliance on government, international enrolments and giving credit for TAFE studies.
It gets a 4-star rating for ‘getting a job’, total graduate outcomes and indigenous participation.
The Guide notes that CQU has a ‘very big’ number of students from abroad, a ‘very high’ proportion of external students and students aged over 25 years, and a ‘high’ proportion of part-time students. “CQU is an exceptionally diverse institution. It has nine campuses situated along the east coast of Australia and international operations extending into the Pacific and South East Asia ... it now attracts more international students than any other university in Queensland,” the GUG says.
“CQU began its life as a university near the bottom of the academic and student pecking orders, but it is less complacent, more energetic, more flexible and more welcoming than many.” Vice-Chancellor Professor Glenice Hancock said that while the Good Universities Guide should not be seen as a league table, “this independent assessment of CQU’s strengths is very encouraging”.
“It stands as a statement of the great strength and achievement of our staff.
“If I were a student again, I would be looking for a University which provides an excellent educational experience for students and one which has a reputation for preparing students for career success ... CQU’s ratings would certainly convince me.” The Guide's ratings for CQU include: Number of higher education students (big) Proportion over 25 years (very high) Number of students from abroad (very big) Proportion of external students (very high) Proportion part-time students (high) The educational experience: graduate rating 5 stars; Cultural diversity 5 stars; International enrolments 5 stars; Graduate starting salary 5 stars; Non-government earnings 5 stars; Entry flexibility 5 stars; Proportion given credit for TAFE Studies 5 stars; Getting a job 4; Total graduate outcomes 4; Indigenous participation 4.