Asset event provides tips on maximising performance
Published on 14 June, 2011
Around 130 delegates have attended a conference tailormade for businesses, industries and organisations seeking to extract the maximum performance and value from their assets.
Conference Chair Gopinath Chattopadhyay says the Conference on Asset and Maintenance Management 2011 held at CQUniversity Gladstone in mid-March was a major success as it showcased some of the latest developments in this field.
Professor Chattopadhyay says the conference, and a related workshop session for 50 participants, showed how CQUniversity could help provide solutions.
"We have had participation from power generation, railways, process industries, regional council, mining, ports, consulting and many other industries, professional bodies including Asset Management Council, Engineers Australia and Australian Society of Operations Research, and universities including CQUni, Swinburne, Griffith and QUT, as well as government and wider community representatives," he said.
"This conference included a panel discussion on challenges and issues confronting industry in the area of asset and maintenance management. The day concluded with a networking session."
Delegates gather for the conference
Technical sessions included presentations delivered by national and international experts on:
- Power plant asset management
- Rail asset management
- Techniques for assessing risks
- Asset Performance improvement
- Organisational aspects in Asset Management
- Impact of extreme weather events on Assets and Management of risks
- Asset Management Systems
The keynote speakers were NRG Gladstone Power Station GM Glenn Schumacher, Swinburne Uni Associate Dean Professor Ajay Kapoor and Regional Director Asia Pacific Fluor Global Services Fluor Corporation John Abbott.
Delegates network during a break in the conference
Professor Gopinath Chattopadhyay with conference participant Peter Barnwell
Keynote John Abbott chats with conference chair Professor Gopinath Chattopadhyay
Professor Ajay Kapoor with conference chair Professor Gopinath Chattopadhyay
Keynote and Co-Chair Glenn Schumacher (left) chats with conference Chair Professor Gopinath Chattopadhyay and Co-Chair Malcolm Leinster